Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Holy cats fur!


Portland Charcuterie Project said...

What is that?

More importantly.. will it be edible once the mold is removed?

I've found fuzzy white mold ( not hairy like that ) and fuzzy green mold spots on one of my projects..


jon w said...

I'd like to share my experience with gray fur. I had a bit on some jerky and brushed it off, then ate quite a few of the affected bits. since it tasted fine and I felt fine, I blended the whole batch into pemmican and then began to throw up violently for about two hours. I have been eating it little by little with no effects, but it seems there is a threshold that is too much to digest. on the other hand, I could be eating some fungal toxin that will kill me slowly and insidiously.

Unknown said...

Was it after ingesting the pemmican?

jon w said...

no this was after eating the [scraped off] furry bits. I was grinding only the driest meat for pemmican, and eating all the moister bits. since the growth had formed on these bits, I ate a fair amount. some parts had molded and then got dry, and these made their way into the grinder. but I have noticed no ill effects from that - either I was eating something live that was fine to eat after drying, or I just ate too much at once. or, like I said, it's giving me cancer and I just dont know yet.

Unknown said...

Grant.. totally unrelated, but the tagliatelli, Rabit Ragu that I had a few weeks ago was probably the best I've ever had. It beat my Nona's, it beat this hole in wall place in Rome that I love. I had to check your last name, and was shocked to see it didn't end with a vowel.

Unknown said...

Grant - quick question for you: Is the Black Hoof going to be open on Friday, April 2 (Good Friday)?

Crossing my fingers for a yes... :)

Unknown said...

yup were open!

Unknown said...


I have reviewed your website mulitple times and wanted to see if you have any insight or recoomendations on where to find recipes for Spanish Cured meats? Serrano Hams, Types of chorizos, cantipallos etc.

I have been searching for some time and have not been successfull beyond a simple chorizo?

Much appreciated!


Unknown said...

blimey mate ,that is looking a bit dicey!

Anonymous said...

Hi Grant and Jen, wondered if you would be interested in providing the Five Takeaways of cured meats - check out for more info or send me an email at fivetakeaways [at] gmail[dot]com.


Jamie Nazaroff said...

Hey Grant & Jen,

I'm looking to do a few days stage at the Hoof, if it's at all possible. Fresh out of GBC and feeling like their training in charcuterie and preservation methods was more than a little lacking. That plus a love of all things porcine means some time at the hoof would be awesome for me.

If it's possible, let me know here or at

Marie said...

Hi Grant -


You might be the man to answer my duck prosciutto question - salted for 24 hours, hung for 2 weeks.

Looked great on first slicing, Then got to the middle and hit a vein, which was bloody and drippy. Smelled like raw duck, but not bad. Could it be that the thick fat layer insulated the one side of the duck too much? The meaty-only side was pretty dry.

Next time I'm thinking to trim some fat away, so that the salting extracts more moisture from the fatty side of the meat.

Unknown said...

Can you post your email?

Grant van Gameren said...

Anonymous said...

Great looking new deal site with incredible offers, check out

Unknown said...

why there is sooo many weird chinese post on it? btw, chef Grant, I'm David from charpop

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Unknown said...

Hi Grant,
Please give me some advice. When curing Proscuitto, do you debone it before starting the curing?

Unknown said...

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